Oct 20, 2009
Oct 15, 2009
synchronized stairway
This is easily my viral video of the week. Obama's several nation diss? A thing of the past!
If you want to get to the part where it started getting real good (it's all pretty amazing, mind you) go from 1:40 on. It doesn't get boring until the end commentary. It's just that impressive.
If you want to get to the part where it started getting real good (it's all pretty amazing, mind you) go from 1:40 on. It doesn't get boring until the end commentary. It's just that impressive.
Oct 13, 2009
Oct 6, 2009
Give me mono.
Again my school is trying to tell me I haven't graduated. Today I received a letter saying that I have to pass two senior required classes, American government and Economics. Those were probably the last two classes I took before I was told that I graduated. The funniest thing is that on the opposite side of the paper that they sent me, it states that I'd taken and passed both classes. Piedmont Hills, you're so much fail.
I'm finally deciding to go pescatarian full fledged again. No more meat sans fish, which is really unfortunate considering my father's girlfriend just made a mean smelling meatloaf.
I don't have much else to say other than that, although I do have my first get-rich-quick scheme. I can't divulge details quite yet. ;)
play Monopoly.
I'm finally deciding to go pescatarian full fledged again. No more meat sans fish, which is really unfortunate considering my father's girlfriend just made a mean smelling meatloaf.
I don't have much else to say other than that, although I do have my first get-rich-quick scheme. I can't divulge details quite yet. ;)
play Monopoly.
Oct 5, 2009
Oct 1, 2009
Sorry. I haven't done anything but eat and play Counter-Strike the last two days.
Counter-Strike: Source,
Sep 28, 2009
Domo in America
7-Eleven to Offer Domo Slurpees in U.S.
"Rich Collins, the CEO of the Big Tent Entertainment company in charge of NHK's Domo brand in the United States, said the Slurpee is Red Apple-flavored 'because Domo doesn't like apples. That way you don't have to worry about Domo stealing your Slurpee.' "
I updated yesterday, I promise. I just re-did the entry I posted on the 26th.
I don't know why I'm putting this; no one cares. lol
I don't know why I'm putting this; no one cares. lol
Sep 26, 2009
Sep 25, 2009
The Princess and the Frog
Sep 24, 2009
honest to blog
Alright, this is bullshit. I'm sick of telling myself I'll eventually blog. I'll be blogging once a day from now on.
Sep 11, 2009
It's not the greatest idea turning in all of your job applications on September 11th, not the greatest idea at all. I still work at McDonald's. I just need another job since I'm not starting college until February.
Sep 6, 2009
Sep 2, 2009
This blog has been brought to you by too much coffee. I'm typing this on my iPhone. I'm on my break right now. Yesterday was my birthday. I was astonished by how many birthday wishes I got. Chris and Charlie (old, old, OLD Internet buddies) even called me to wish me a happy day. I went to the Monterey Bay aquarium with my father, and that was kind of nice. It was good to have some one on one time with my father after all the drama him and I have been through over the past couple of weeks. Monterey is a beautiful city when the sky isn't fogged over. I'm upset that we neglected the beach though -- especially when it was within walking distance. What kind of California residing female teenager doesn't go to the beach during summertime? God. I did touch a sting ray though. Very silky. Also probably very tasty!
Batteries are dying on my phone.
Batteries are dying on my phone.
Aug 31, 2009
I figured out my college situation. The scholarship I won doesn't expire for two years. I've decided to go to San Jose City because it has a better curriculum than that of Evergreen, and I'm not going this semester. I'm taking the spring semester that starts either the 10th or 12th of February 2010. I've updated my resume and have every intention of working two jobs until next semester.
Sorry I haven't posted -- been busy. I'll try to get back into the swing of things.
Sorry I haven't posted -- been busy. I'll try to get back into the swing of things.
Aug 17, 2009
Aug 16, 2009
Aug 7, 2009
Jul 27, 2009
Jesus Christ, I have been so busy lately. It's been an amazing weekend, but it's private, and you get no such information. Here are some funny websites.
texts from last night
This is why you're fat.
Both are hilarious sites. Check it out.
texts from last night
This is why you're fat.
Both are hilarious sites. Check it out.
Jul 23, 2009
I took my piercings out for a couple of days, but the night I made the decision to take them out was the day I bought more piercings. Fuck that, because I can't return them; I already opened the package. I might as well wear them. I also bought some metal spiral earrings that are only a 10 gauge, being a huge downsize from my all time high of 5/8". Again, sorry for the lack of posting. Despite having an app on my iPhone for blogging, it's not much fun to do on a tiny piece of machinery. Typing is so much easier on a keyboard.
Payday was today. Worked my first seven hour day and drank my first cup of coffee to survive the 6am to 1pm morning to lunch shift. Actually drank another cup after my shift was up. I think I like cappuccinos a lot. It's not like my growth can be any more stunted or my teeth can get any more yellow anyway.
Jul 21, 2009
Jul 17, 2009
Xes doog.
This has easily been one of the most relaxing nights I've had in the last four months. I played Counter-Strike: Source again after six years without. Remembering my old username, GMI] Tight_Like_A_Ten_Year_Old, brought back the best kinds of memories of me and my father grossing out his coworkers when we'd all play together. David and I played the kickass-est dust deathmath everrr.
Jul 13, 2009
I'm posting from my iPhone. How cool is that? I don't have much to say other than that I'll be posting more often.
Here's a picture of my kitten.
Here's a picture of my kitten.

Jul 10, 2009
The Brotherhood of Traveling Fucks
I have a kitten on my face.
Random tidbit: My favorite animal are deer. Don't know why. I also don't know why I have a severe phobia of being near them. But get this: In the US, more people are killed by deer each year than any other animal. Guess I have a sixth sense for timid looking animals that are actually MURDERERS.
Random tidbit: My favorite animal are deer. Don't know why. I also don't know why I have a severe phobia of being near them. But get this: In the US, more people are killed by deer each year than any other animal. Guess I have a sixth sense for timid looking animals that are actually MURDERERS.
Jul 9, 2009
I've been meaning to blog for a while. I have quite a bit to say, but realistically, I'm lazy. And now that I'm here, I've actually forgotten what I wanted to post about. Oops.
Jul 4, 2009
Michael Jackson
You know, I hate to say this, but it truly did take death to get me to listen to Michael Jackson's music. He's a really good musician and I've known that my entire life, but the child molestation charges came about when I was young, maybe eight years old if not younger. On top of that, Michael Jackson looking as inhuman as he ever did at the time, I sure as shit wasn't willing or ready to give the guy an unbiased opinion. Regardless, I was eight and my opinion wouldn't have meant squat to anyone, but you understand where I'm coming from. Now, if you know me personally, you know I pride myself on my musical prowess. I listen to all kinds of different genres and a close friend of mine instilled in me the values that him and I don't listen to a specific genre, we just listen to what we think is good music. I learned of Michael Jackson's upbringing when I was eleven or twelve, but the idea of that white looking he/she touching little boys just made me twinge in my bed at night. Michael Jackson was totally the monster in my closet; he was the boogieman to me. I was scared shitless by the man. I've grown a lot mentally over the last couple years and I've come to realize that music truly is a passion for me, one that I'm going to, in one way or another, pursue a career in. So this blog is here to issue my world wide (or as wide as it can get; it's the internet after all) apology to the musical community, Michael Jackson, his family, and kind of to myself. Music is music, and Michael Jackson did it well and did it right regardless of his personal life. If Woody Allen releases an album, I'll go ahead and listen to that, too. Even if he did marry his adopted child.
Michael Jackson,
Woody Allen,
Jul 3, 2009
I smelled that.
A small blog today. I'm essentially posting this to tell all of ypu that I've been busy running errands, kitten caring, applying to college, reading, shaving, eating, swimming, cleaning, driving, working, boy drama-ing, and getting into shape.
On a side note, I ripped a pair of pants yesterday trying to "stretch them out." Thunder thighs for the win.
On a side note, I ripped a pair of pants yesterday trying to "stretch them out." Thunder thighs for the win.
Jun 27, 2009
"where all these girls did their goofy, sexy poses"
I had a relatively rough day at work. The entire computer system shut itself off within the second hour of my shift. This happening made my manager feel as if she had the right to verbally and physically manhandle me for the rest of my shift.
Not much else to say, but here, check this out. I lol'd.
Not much else to say, but here, check this out. I lol'd.
Jun 24, 2009
keepin' it alive
Hey, guys. Again, not a very eventful couple of days. I got free birth control from Planned Parenthood earlier today. They also gave me a ton of condoms. There isn't much else. I, um, I have work tomorrow? That's about it.
Jun 22, 2009
lion's mane
I got my iPhone the day before yesterday, and while it's a little beat up, it's a pretty awesome piece of machinery. Regardless, I'm ever so grateful. Thank you so much, Zanderson! You get a kitten, I get an iPhone. Not a bad trade, right?
Jun 20, 2009
pay me
I don't work Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. My paycheck was a hundred and six more dollars than my last, so I'm happy. I was afraid that with the tiny shopping spree I took my dad on for Father's Day that I wouldn't be able to pay the $190 (maximum) fee for my ticket. Luckily my paycheck can cover the entire maximum fee if needed. I was elated knowing that I could buy my father what seemed like anything he wanted. We went to Target with Teri (my dad's girlfriend/girl/friend) to blow time before assigning my court appointment; with our luck, they were out to lunch when we got there. In the end, I got my dad a forty dollar basketball for him to use at the gym, a DVD copy of Grandma's Boy, as well as the fifth and sixth season of Family Guy. All of it was about 80 bucks total and with spending 40 dollars taking my friends out to dinner the night before, I was a little low on money. I work 14 hours a week at a minimum wage job; give me a break. I took two of the four facial piercings out a couple days ago, one because it was inevitable, and one because I was mad at it. Realistically, my middle and right piercing are still open, but I don't like having both in at once, so I switch off every so often. It's not terrible. It could be worse. I'll just get more piercings that people can't see. ;9 lol.
That's about it for now. I'm going over to Zach's tonight with my father to get hammered and to steal Zach's old iPhone. Exciting! Anyway, Pokemon Pearl update!

Mismagius, F, Lv. 41
Name: Misdami
Ampharos, F, Lv. 42
Name: Mari
Gardevoir, F, Lv. 36
Name: Abernathy
Whiscash, M, Lv. 27
Name: Julius
Toxicroak, M, Lv. 45
Name: Derrick
Ambipom, M, Lv. 35
Name: Slinger
That's about it for now. I'm going over to Zach's tonight with my father to get hammered and to steal Zach's old iPhone. Exciting! Anyway, Pokemon Pearl update!
Mismagius, F, Lv. 41
Name: Misdami
Ampharos, F, Lv. 42
Name: Mari
Gardevoir, F, Lv. 36
Name: Abernathy
Whiscash, M, Lv. 27
Name: Julius
Toxicroak, M, Lv. 45
Name: Derrick
Ambipom, M, Lv. 35
Name: Slinger
Jun 19, 2009
Twisted Pleasure
The court appointment is on Monday at 1:30. The Planned Parenthood (for birth control) appointment is on Wednesday at 9:45. I know I don't have work on Monday, and it doesn't matter either way, because I'd be off by one regardless. Wednesday has got me a little worried because I'm not 100% sure if I have work or not.
Short attention span. Bbl.
Short attention span. Bbl.
Jun 18, 2009
"from your high chair"
Posting a new blog after a while is like looking up at your mother after you just spilled a bowl of spaghetti-o's from your high chair: You know you're in trouble. Last night was a nice night, a good all nighter. I can't talk about it in depth, it's personal, but it really gave my life the kick-start I needed. I'm going to get everything together sooner or later. I'm making a court appointment for my fine from the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara Informal Juvenile and Traffic Court for my "jumping" of the VTA lightrail. I've bought my ticket every other time (I've also told this story to death), but the one time I didn't, I get caught. Didn't get a warning, just got an 190 dollar fine sent to me the day of my junior prom. Bomb.
will blog later
will blog later
Jun 13, 2009
Liq it.
Ugh. I don't really have anything to post about. I drank about ten shots last night and met some new people in the process. I think ten shots is my all time high so far. I was pretty blitzed, but I wasn't out of it or shitfaced or anything like that. Um. Samantha, Steven, Loriena, Maria, David, Will, and Andrew were there. We drank in the backyard. It was funny. It was a nice night. I'm still a little hungover. Let's drink again tonight!
Jun 11, 2009
Jun 8, 2009
repeat chorus (x42)
God damn, dude. My love handles haven't been this predominant since I was about thirteen. I haven't had a legitimate workout (other than sex) in weeks. My little formation of abs is practically gone and looking in the mirror is not a good thing for me to do, more so now than ever. My excuse is that I've been busy, but really I'm not. I'm only working fourteen hours this week, I have no homework, nor any other obligatory tasks to complete (for the most part). I did finally go for a jog around the block like I used to do last night. I was so elated when I came home it was sad. Other than my crippling self-esteem, work is going fine. I've found a method to keeping my left lip piercing open, but it's only a matter of time before my co-workers notice. Until then, I'm happy. I went to the luncheon for my scholarship today held by Kawannis at (something) Mia's in downtown San Jose. I still speak in front of crowds terribly. I have a facial twitch and it was goin' off like a motherfucker. I was so embarrassed, but more so disappointed in myself for not being able to accomplish the simple feat of talking to a crowd of fifty plus people. It's not that bad.
Look, a giraffe.

Look, a giraffe.
Jun 6, 2009
back on the blogger's boat
I usually don't openly indulge in the Jonas Brothers band/lifestyle ... thing, but thanks to my lovely friends on MySpace, I was able to witness this video. Bear in mind, the video itself will more than likely be gone by the end of the week, so check it out asap.
Joe Jonas is easily the most attractive of the Jonas brothers what with Nick and his stone cold dead retard eyes and Kevin with his massive Jew fro that I'm sure he stores personal items in. Joe Jonas is not only attractive to me physically, but dude, this video is so balls to the wall hilarious that even I can't deny how adorable he is for having the confidence to dance around in a leotard and heels.
Joe Jonas is easily the most attractive of the Jonas brothers what with Nick and his stone cold dead retard eyes and Kevin with his massive Jew fro that I'm sure he stores personal items in. Joe Jonas is not only attractive to me physically, but dude, this video is so balls to the wall hilarious that even I can't deny how adorable he is for having the confidence to dance around in a leotard and heels.
May 30, 2009
It's been a while again. I haven't written in my blog or my journal, even though so many things have been happening to me personally lately. I know if I don't write it down, I'll more than likely forget about it, and I really don't want that to happen. I want to remember as much as I can, or forget it all and recall it again one day like I did with my LiveJournal blog. I printed out every entry months after I stopped using the account and assembled the pages together in a bundle. They're in my room, and I have every intention of doing it again. Although, with that blog, another LiveJournal blog (that I forgot the password and account name to), an actual material journal, and this current blog all being used or having had been used can cause a bit of jumble and confusion. I'm seriously contemplating making my actual private diary a typed out part of this blog, put on private so no one can read it. No one has ever read my actual diary either. Don't take it personally. I'm not good at writing for long periods of time, and seeing my handwriting lowers my self-esteem significantly. I also type 70+ WPM. I think I'll go through with that.
Here are random pictures.

Here are random pictures.
May 25, 2009
tripping up
My grammar is for shit. I just finished re-reading my last two blog posts; they sound terrible! I actually talk like that, though. I speak that poorly. Being out of school really isn't helping either. For the last couple of days I've been playing an MMORPG called Trickster. You essentially pick an animal and get certain traits that are stronger for the animal you chose. Stats and such. Like a magician has weak attack power and a paladin has strong attack power. Check the site out and see for yourself. I decided to be a buffalo merely out of habit. I always pick the brutes, even in FPS games (Team Fortress Heavy Weapon FTW). It's a fun game. A good way to blow some time.
May 24, 2009
mother mary
This has probably been the longest amount of time in between posting blogs. I can't exactly say I've been busier than usual. It's more along the lines of laziness and general fatigue from work and lack of sleep. I don't really have that much to say, other than I kind of like working at McDonald's. It forces me to be social, but I've come to realize that I've never had to fake a smile. I genuinely enjoy working with people. Working McDonald's is like playing Diner Dash or one of those games like that. I'm not even kidding. By the by, the piercings are still in. I'll make it last as long as I can.
May 19, 2009
I might have to take my piercings out for good. I bought invisible studs for my lip (x3) and my eyebrow last night after work, but within twenty minutes of my shift this morning, my manage blatantly asked me to take them out. Luckily, she didn't notice my eyebrow piercing, which would've closed up faster than my left lip piercing, which DID close up. Puncturing myself day after day feels like it shouldn't be an option. I got an interview call from the Savemart grocery store closest to my house last night, so after my shift ended at ten this morning, I went home and got ready for the interview at 12:40. He noticed the invisible studs as well, including the eyebrow piercing. I am not thrilled by that at all. The interview went well besides that and I should know by the end of the day whether or not I got the job. If I do get the job, I'm going to have to drop the McDonald's job like a hot potato. Part of me is hoping for this, considering the fact that I look like a boy in my uniform, I have to wear a hat (hate wearing hats), and it's MCDONALD'S. I know if I work anything than a four hour shift, two out of four of my facial piercings will close, one of them to the point of not being able to repuncture. These face holes really have become a part of me, so looking in the mirror and seeing nothing makes me feel disgusting. I don't know. I'll figure it out. I'll obviously take them out if my job requires it, and if they close up, they close up, but fuck. No piercings?! At all!? Ugh.
May 18, 2009
May 17, 2009
May 15, 2009
May 14, 2009
Updated Leaf Green Card
Since I don't feel like posting words today, you'll get this. All my Pokemon right now are either blue, yellow, or brown.

Sandslash, M, Lv. 29
Nickname: Oliver
Nidoqueen, F, Lv. 31
Nickname: Envali
Hypno, M, Lv. 31
Nickname: Hnaj
Ninetails, F, Lv. 32
Nickname: Gwenevere
Vaporeon, M, Lv. 33
Nickname: Pittel
Primeape, M, Lv. 30
Nickname: Holyfield
Sandslash, M, Lv. 29
Nickname: Oliver
Nidoqueen, F, Lv. 31
Nickname: Envali
Hypno, M, Lv. 31
Nickname: Hnaj
Ninetails, F, Lv. 32
Nickname: Gwenevere
Vaporeon, M, Lv. 33
Nickname: Pittel
Primeape, M, Lv. 30
Nickname: Holyfield
May 13, 2009
I've recently started reading from my Amazon Kindle again. I wasn't prior because of A Dirty Job, which I still haven't completed reading. My father usually lets me buy a book once every two or three months for the Kindle, but I'm really trying to find a book I'll love, because the last few I've read have been complete duds. I forgot that a feature of the Kindle is being able to sample books, so I've downloaded quite a few samples of books to read. I want to make sure I buy a good book:
Spanking Shakespeare by Jake Wizner
Paper Towns by John Green
King Dork by Frank Portman
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Johnathan Safran Foer
Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris
I Love You, Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle
Why We Suck by Denis Leary
No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July
My Horizontal Life by Chelsea Handler
Men Are Better Than Women by Dick Masterson
The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barbara Pease and Allan Pease
The Perfect Baby Handbook by Dale Hrabi
The Irish Wine Trilogy by Dick Wimmer
Hyper-chondriac by Brian Frazer
To those of you two people that happen to visit this webpage, if you've ever read any of these, do me a favor and tell me how they are.
Spanking Shakespeare by Jake Wizner
Paper Towns by John Green
King Dork by Frank Portman
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Johnathan Safran Foer
Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris
I Love You, Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle
Why We Suck by Denis Leary
No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July
My Horizontal Life by Chelsea Handler
Men Are Better Than Women by Dick Masterson
The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barbara Pease and Allan Pease
The Perfect Baby Handbook by Dale Hrabi
The Irish Wine Trilogy by Dick Wimmer
Hyper-chondriac by Brian Frazer
To those of you two people that happen to visit this webpage, if you've ever read any of these, do me a favor and tell me how they are.
May 11, 2009
Leaf Green Trainer Card
May 9, 2009
Alaina's list of webcomics
MegaTokyo (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Penny and Aggie (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Red String (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Girly (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Evil Diva (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Flipside (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
YU+ME: dream (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
octopus pie (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Anders Loves Maria (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Candi (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Questionable Content (updates Mon-Fri)
Menage a 3 (updates Tue, Thu, Sat) NSFW
Curvy (updates Sat) super NSFW
Johnny Wander (updates Tue & Thu)
Chester 5000 XYV (updates bi-weekly) super NSFW
DAR (updates weekly) sometimes NSFW
Devil's Panties (updates daily)
American Elf (updates daily) sometimes NSFW
inkdick (usually updates daily)
I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space! (updates sporadically)
F@NBOY$ (updates sporadically)
Boxer Hockey (updates sporadically)
MARRY ME (updates sporadically)
No Pink Ponies (updates sporadically)
Liz Prince Power (updates sporadically)
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki (updates sporadically)
Ugly Girl (updates sporadically)
U.F.O. (updates sporadically)
VG Cats (updates rarely)
Doctor Voluptua (updates rarely) NSFW
AWKWARD ZOMBIE (updates Mon)
Sister Claire (updates Mon, Thu)
Penny and Aggie (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Red String (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Girly (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Evil Diva (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Flipside (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
YU+ME: dream (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
octopus pie (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Anders Loves Maria (updates Mon, Wed, Fri) sometimes NSFW
Candi (updates Mon, Wed, Fri)
Questionable Content (updates Mon-Fri)
Menage a 3 (updates Tue, Thu, Sat) NSFW
Curvy (updates Sat) super NSFW
Johnny Wander (updates Tue & Thu)
Chester 5000 XYV (updates bi-weekly) super NSFW
DAR (updates weekly) sometimes NSFW
Devil's Panties (updates daily)
American Elf (updates daily) sometimes NSFW
inkdick (usually updates daily)
I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space! (updates sporadically)
F@NBOY$ (updates sporadically)
Boxer Hockey (updates sporadically)
MARRY ME (updates sporadically)
No Pink Ponies (updates sporadically)
Liz Prince Power (updates sporadically)
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki (updates sporadically)
Ugly Girl (updates sporadically)
U.F.O. (updates sporadically)
VG Cats (updates rarely)
Doctor Voluptua (updates rarely) NSFW
AWKWARD ZOMBIE (updates Mon)
Sister Claire (updates Mon, Thu)
May 8, 2009
May 6, 2009
May 5, 2009
jo jin leaf
Listening to: 
Tegan and Sara - The Con
It's seriously been three days since my last post? Wow. Time flies. I finally gave Tegan and Sara a try, and my God, I cannot stop listening to this album. One song is a complete abomination and I can't stand it, but the rest I really like. If anyone who is reading this lives in Northern California, you really need to go to Sky High. We (Samantha, Steven, David) ended up going on a weekend, so many, many children were present, but nothing's more fun than pegging eight year old boys in the face with foam dodgeballs. It was nice to jump around and act like a kid again. I really needed it. I went job hunting with Jim again yesterday, and Zach proof-read and corrected some parts of my resume. I'm hoping I get a job here soon. It'll up my work ethic and the productivity will make me feel a little less lazy. Gregg moved out just a couple hours ago and I couldn't be more thrilled. With Brittany not living at home currently and Dad working, I can finally play bass as loud as I please (or even play bass at all). I'm happy.
Tegan and Sara - The Con
It's seriously been three days since my last post? Wow. Time flies. I finally gave Tegan and Sara a try, and my God, I cannot stop listening to this album. One song is a complete abomination and I can't stand it, but the rest I really like. If anyone who is reading this lives in Northern California, you really need to go to Sky High. We (Samantha, Steven, David) ended up going on a weekend, so many, many children were present, but nothing's more fun than pegging eight year old boys in the face with foam dodgeballs. It was nice to jump around and act like a kid again. I really needed it. I went job hunting with Jim again yesterday, and Zach proof-read and corrected some parts of my resume. I'm hoping I get a job here soon. It'll up my work ethic and the productivity will make me feel a little less lazy. Gregg moved out just a couple hours ago and I couldn't be more thrilled. With Brittany not living at home currently and Dad working, I can finally play bass as loud as I please (or even play bass at all). I'm happy.
May 2, 2009
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
Listening to:
The Fashion - The Fashion

Pokemon Leaf Green, Resident Evil 5
- - -
I finally started reading A Dirty Job again last night. I stopped reading out of pure laziness, but part of me wonders how I was even able to. That book is just so damn good. I have to read more books by Christopher Moore without going overboard like I did with Palahniuk and end up half-hating the author. Though, Palahniuk seems a little more narcissistic than Moore. If everything goes the way I want it to, I should have the book finished by the end of the week. I've been listening to lots of new music in the last couple of hours as well. I decided to re-do my MySpace playlist and God knows I always find new music when I do that (the one reason I prefer MySpace over Facebook). I've been aware of The Fashion for a good long time, but didn't get the opportunity to listen to their full album until today. It's not too bad. Rarely do I listen to an album the first time through and actually like it.
Hungry, bbl.
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
Listening to:
The Fashion - The Fashion
Pokemon Leaf Green, Resident Evil 5
- - -
I finally started reading A Dirty Job again last night. I stopped reading out of pure laziness, but part of me wonders how I was even able to. That book is just so damn good. I have to read more books by Christopher Moore without going overboard like I did with Palahniuk and end up half-hating the author. Though, Palahniuk seems a little more narcissistic than Moore. If everything goes the way I want it to, I should have the book finished by the end of the week. I've been listening to lots of new music in the last couple of hours as well. I decided to re-do my MySpace playlist and God knows I always find new music when I do that (the one reason I prefer MySpace over Facebook). I've been aware of The Fashion for a good long time, but didn't get the opportunity to listen to their full album until today. It's not too bad. Rarely do I listen to an album the first time through and actually like it.
Hungry, bbl.
Christopher Moore,
Chuck Palahniuk,
May 1, 2009
feelings of bore
I graduated high school today -- a high school graduate at sixteen; that's not too bad. My father gave me the choice of going to a junior college or getting a job. He said I don't have to do both. I'm leaning more towards the job for a year for a number of reasons. With my dad possibly losing his job, tuition will be harder to pay, even with my scholarship. I'm a year ahead, and if I work for a full year without having to pay rent or bills, I'll have enough money saved up for tuition for a good long time. I have other reasons that I can't recall currently, but they're good reasons. My resume is all finished and printed out, and I'll be turning in several applications very shortly. Frankly, I'm hoping for a job at Jamba Juice. I love that shit. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy.
Apr 30, 2009
Alaina's least favorite pokemon
Oh yeah!
#011 - Metapod

#022 - Fearow

#042 - Golbat

#102 - Exeggcute

#124 - Jynx

#126 - Magmar

#174 - Igglybuff

#195 - Quagsire

#202 - Wobbuffet

#204 - Pineco

#236 - Tyrogue

#276 - Taillow

#264 - Linoone

#266 - Cascoon

#272 - Ludicolo

#299 - Nosepass

#351 - Castform

#362 - Glalie

#368 - Gorebyss

#392 - Infernape

#399 - Bidoof

#400 - Bibarel

#418 - Floatzel

#432 - Purugly

#464 - Rhyperior

#468 - Togekiss

#476 - Probopass

#485 - Heatran
#011 - Metapod
#022 - Fearow
#042 - Golbat
#102 - Exeggcute
#124 - Jynx
#126 - Magmar
#174 - Igglybuff
#195 - Quagsire
#202 - Wobbuffet
#204 - Pineco
#236 - Tyrogue
#276 - Taillow
#264 - Linoone
#266 - Cascoon
#272 - Ludicolo
#299 - Nosepass
#351 - Castform
#362 - Glalie
#368 - Gorebyss
#392 - Infernape
#399 - Bidoof
#400 - Bibarel
#418 - Floatzel
#432 - Purugly
#464 - Rhyperior
#468 - Togekiss
#476 - Probopass
#485 - Heatran
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