Sep 13, 2010

How do you feel about the VMAs? Jersey Shore? MTV? Lady Gaga? Pokemon? Cookies?

- The only interesting parts of the VMAs are eventually posted online. The rest is probably shittier than what gets online in the first place.
- Jersey Shore is terrible.
- MTV shows consist of the likes of Jersey Shore and The Real World, but then there's Rob & Big and The World of Jenks (RJ Berger or w/e is kind of cool, too). It's a conundrum.
- Lady Gaga is all shock factor and little talent.
- Pokemon Adventures (manga) is pretty good. The Pokemon games (Red, Blue, Ruby, Pearl, etc.) are good. I'm a little obsessed. Pokemon Blue was the first real video game that I can recall playing.
- Cookies? Computer cookies or omnom cookies? I love the latter, but they make me fat and don't care at all about the former until it's causing me problems.

Ask me about my weiner.


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